Friday, October 12, 2007

Online help for Ron Paul bloggers and site owners

Learn how to SEO your site in an hour or less. If you have a Ron Paul website or blog that you've been pouring effort towards, make sure you have it optimized. Search engines love content but if your content is over-stuffed or just plain spam then you'll get low rankings or no rankings at all. A Ron Paul presidency would have effects on almost everyone in any industry so get creative and optimize your site, then watch traffic come in from areas of the web that you probably didn't even know exist.

Would Ron Paul help or hurt those who seek to refinance a mortgage? The housing crisis is a big topic and the Congressman from Texas seems to imply that loose credit brought about by the Federal Reserve is a major cause of people not being able to stay current on mortgage payments. What would his proposed abolition of the Federal Reserve do to the housing industry? Would even more people default on their mortgage loans and face foreclosure? Would those with bad credit histories ever be able to get a home loan?

Would I be able to work on a recipe for pot brownies made with real ganja butter under President Ron Paul?

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